St John Fairview UCC Event Details

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November 2023
Quilter Workshop 9-5
Zoom Bible Study 6:30pm
AA Meeting
  3   4
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Service of Word & Sacrament 10am - Fellowship time after worship
  6   7   8   9
Zoom Bible Study 6:30pm
AA Meeting
  10   11
Choir Rehearsal 9am
Service of Word 10am
Choir Sings at Service
Evening Circle Meeting After Worship
  13   14   15   16
Quilter's Daytime Meeting
Zoom Bible Study 6:30pm
AA Meeting
Service of Word 10am
Service of Word 10am
  20   21   22   23
Happy Thanksgiving
  24   25
Service of Word and Totenfest 10am
  27   28   29   30
Zoom Bible Study 6:30pm
AA Meeting